People use the white screens for:
Use a white screen to make duplicates.
To easily recreate sights or details, a bright surface beneath the paper was necessary. Simply redraft the outline in the marked spot.
A white screen serves as a light source.
When photographing a product, utilize the white screen as a diffuser behind the black box to highlight the goods.
For portrait photos, use a bright white screen.
You should take a straight portrait picture if the area is modestly lighted. Then a white screen is the best option.
A well-balanced photograph is created by using softly distributed white light.
A white screen was used to test the display.
With a blank white screen, you can readily locate dead areas on the screen and fix them before things worsen.
A screen that is black or white
Do you wish to prevent interruptions? Do you want to take a break? Use a white backdrop to clean your screen.
As a reading light, use a white screen.
When the light switch is too far away, you must locate a light source to read books in the dark.
Making use of a white screen as a cosmetics light
As a white screen lighting source for photographing or applying cosmetics
Cleaning the monitor with a white screen
Despite its absurdity, I use it to clean my display. It clarifies what appears on the screen. Although this only happens on rare occasions when I'm not seeking expert color grading, I do use it to test how well different displays depict basic colors.
Checking for dust with a white screen
I use the same background to clean my display and check for dead or stuck pixels. I occasionally use it to light up my face while I'm on camera.
To catch flies, use a white screen. Little flies were drawn to my monitor's white screen, and I began collecting them.
Use a white screen to make a flipbook.
Because I don't have a professional screen, I'm using my computer and placing the white screen for light on it to avoid accidentally touching anything. I'm working on an animation sequence in an old-fashioned manner (by hand), thus I need a white surface with light so that I can lay one piece of paper over another and see both of them.
To aid concentration, use a white screen.
When I'm studying, I use two displays: one for a timer and the other for web searches. When I'm not searching, I leave the screen blank so that I'm not disturbed by anything on the computer.